Shopping centers, office buildings, grocery stores and restaurants all fly different brands and colors, but going eco-friendly green is a cost-effective move in the right direction for every type of business. There’s more to this fresh approach to commerce than just being better environmental stewards. Customers appreciate companies that practice sustainability, and tenants enjoy lower utility costs. Put a little green into your next retail construction project with these four ideas designed to work with Mother Nature’s resources and improve your bottom line.
1. From Demolition to Construction – Sustainable building materials might not be visible to the eye, but they play a vital role in keeping your project green. Concrete from demolitions and remodels isn’t always destined for the landfill. Industrial crushing facilities recycle the material into dry aggregate for new construction. Structural steel produced from recycled scrap is often referred to as a “multi-cycled” component. Even carpet, flooring and ceiling materials can often be reused. Every opportunity to recycle represents substantial saving opportunities. Before you start building, consult with a commercial contractor who understands the eco-friendly benefits of recycled construction materials.
2. Put the Sun to Work – Energy costs won’t ever come down, but solar power reduces your grid reliance and eases the strain on electricity providers. The technology’s gains over the last 10 years translate into smarter products manufactured at lower costs. Solar panel arrays turn your rooftop into a generator that keeps lights on and heavy equipment humming. Photovoltaic windows constructed with solar cells represent one of the latest trends in smart, power-generating infrastructure. Electrochromic glass panes transform windows into panels that adjust transparency and help control interior temperatures. Make the sun a working partner on your green retail construction project.
3. Build for Water Recycling – It’s no surprise that cooling systems and flushing toilets account for the majority of a commercial building’s water usage. You might be surprised at the variety of on-site water sources available through smart, eco-friendly construction techniques. Rainwater collection systems store and channel this resource for landscape irrigation, busy bathrooms and general operations. Grey is the new green standard for water reclamation, and this money-saving approach recycles a variety of water sources from HVAC condensates to foundation runoff. Why let a natural resource circle the drain when you can reuse it and reduce monthly operating costs?
4. Move the Wind in Your Direction – It’s clean, powerful and renewable, but the applications of wind power in retail construction are often overlooked. Turbine farms continue to come online and help produce electricity, but that same technology is easily modified for all building types and sizes. Vertical axis and helical wind turbines on rooftops help reduce energy consumption, and they require virtually no maintenance after installation. Combined with innovative ventilation systems, wind power helps maintain indoor air quality, holds down utility expenses and ups your investment in green technology at a very small cost.
Doing your part to keep our planet healthy turns your building plan into a win-win project. Eco-friendly construction holds down operating costs and lets you fly a green banner that shows customers you care. With more than 40 years of industry experience, Stovall Construction stands ready to implement the environmental strategies and sound building techniques that really make a difference. We’re always here to answer your questions about green options and solutions, so contact our team for more information. We’re ready to help you fly your best colors.